Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pilgrims and Pink Crocs

What a morning! Things started out wrong from my first sip of coffee... which ended up down my shirt. So I've got a paper towel down my shirt trying to clean up the pool of coffee in my bra and turn around to see Rebekah staring at me. She thought for a second and said "do you stuff your bra?"

All three girls up and getting ready for school. Today is Katie's Thanksgiving reenactment at preschool. Now they sent home a note about having fun making your child's costume with them! Yeah... I don't make costumes. I am NOT that mom. I have ZERO crafty ability in me. So I ordered one... a child's small pilgrim costume. Girls have eaten breakfast and brushing teeth and getting dressed. I put Katie's costume on and they sent me a child's medium not a child's small. Now I know I'm not a tall person but this thing was long enough to fit me... Not WIDE enough mind you but long enough. Great. Now what do I do. So I stand Katie up on the dining room table and Rebekah throws a fit that you are not allowed to stand on the table. I'm trying to explain to her that she's right but I need Katie up there for right now. So I cut the bottom of her costume which was all kinds of crooked but hey it was shorter but not short enough. ARGH! I use two sided tape to try and pull it up higher. I get halfway done and it's time to take Rebekah and Emily to school. We get in the car and by the time we got home it's clear the tape isn't holding. I have 10 minutes! So now I'm trying to use safety pins to get this thing to somewhat fit. Finally my little Pilgrim is ready!


...except we don't have black shoes. So she puts on her Pink Crocs and assures me that Pilgrims wore Crocs. The girls wore pink ones and the boys wore black ones. Pick your battles... Pink Crocs it is!

We leave the house and have to turn around to pick up Cole because even though Dawn texted me 5 minutes earlier about getting him I still forgot! We get Cole and are on our way! When I dropped Pilgrim Kathryn off at preschool all safety pins were intact. I'm sure Katie is sitting in class crying at all the ones that have come undone and are sticking her in various tender places. I just hope she doesn't take out anybody else with her!

Now I'm home for a couple of minutes before it's time to head back for the Pilgrims to arrive on the Mayflower!


  1. She is ADORABLE!!!

    And I laughed all through your story. Don't you hate when they just assume everyone is "that mom"?!?!? Thank God for the internet, I have ordered my kids so many things online that probably should've been "made".

  2. She is sooo cute!!! I agree with Michele, how can they assume everyone is "that" mom?? It's just another project to give to parents! Anyway, her costume looks good and she has the sweetest smile!
