Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pet Peeves

Had a conversation with a friend today about Pet Peeves. It's always interesting to me to hear what really gets to other people. I figured I'd share some of mine and you could share some of yours!

1. Parents who think they need to be their child's best friend. You are the parent for crying out loud! It's time to step up to the plate. You let your kids walk all over you and they think the can walk all over me, my kids, my husband, their teacher, the police. If you are so freaking afraid of making your kid mad you shouldn’t be a parent. If I had a penny for all the times my kids were pissed at me I'd be rich woman. They get pissed because I am doing what's best for them. You don’t discipline and the rest of us are forced to deal with your crappy ass job at parenting. Stop letting your kids think they rule the world and the whole damn earth revolves about them and and what they want. DO YOUR FREAKING JOB!

2. People who pee on toilet seats and don't wipe it up. GROSS! I swear we should find these people, line them up and take turns pissing on their feet. Men... you can aim higher if you'd like.

3. People who seriously lack a sense of humor. I don't know if these people just don't get humor or are afraid to let loose some. Relax and laugh. Going along with this are people who can't laugh at themselves. I do crazy dumb stuff everyday. Laugh at yourself, let other people enjoy laughing with you. They are laughing AT you anyway... just join in.

4. People who cant accept an apology. We all mess up from time to time. If somebody realizes they've upset you and accepts that responsibility... just forgive already. You don't have to be best friends with them and buddy up... but forgive.

5. People who say they've "tried everything" for any situation. No you haven't. Do some research. Trust me, there are people out there smarter than you.

6. Last but not least... people like Ms. Repeat Offender that hold up the pick up and drop off line at school.

Ya'll knew that last one would be on there. So please share with me what pisses you off!

No, all my blogs are not going to be lists. Just doing a little get to know me first. I'll get deeper soon. I always say if you REALLY want to get to know someone, find something you disagree with them on.


  1. I agree with your list - especially #1!

    My pet peeve - people who will not own up to their mistakes. They always try to blame someone else. Personal Responsibility is a sign of maturity.

  2. That's a good one, Rose. Drives me nuts as well!

  3. As a therapist #5 is sooo true! people come into my office alllll the time and say they tried everything, I give them new thoughts/suggestions they claim they've tried that too. Those are the times I wish i could say "well you're hopeless then get the f out" but something tells me I'd get my license revoked so I don't and just smile and nod and bill them. If they want to pay me to not make progress...umm ok then. LOL

  4. Oh yeah, on #2!!! I can't figure out how women manage to splatter all over a toilet seat, it's disgusting!! The least they can do is clean up after themselves, sheesh!!

    A pet peeve of mine are people who go slower than the speed limit especially when I have no way around them! Ugh!
