Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Things you wish you could say...

Thanksgiving is coming up, the kids are excited to decorate for Christmas. There is so much joy in their faces as they anticipate the Christmas season. Today I told the girls if they helped clean up the house, we would decorate for Christmas tomorrow. I sent them upstairs to clean their room. They weren't too thrilled with this.

So instead of cleaning, Emily wrote a letter to Santa.

Dear Santa,

How have you been? How good are you? How are you doing? Are you fine? Are you great? Are you having fun? What are you doing today?



She said she didn't want to ask him for anything. Said she knew he was busy this time of year and wanted to make sure he was ok. Isn't she sweet?

So I figured Santa should write her back.

Dear Emily,

I'd be a hell of a lot better if you stopped whining got off your ass and cleaned your room.



Too much?

Please share with me what some of the things you wish you could say are!!!


  1. Somehow I don't think that would go over so well with Emily, lol!

    What do I wish *I* could say to anyone? Oh heck, let's go with the Idiot Twins (I know not everyone will understand who these are, but that's ok, I need to be cryptic) - Take your ahole attitudes and shove it where the sun don't shine because he is never going to take your crap again!!!

  2. Funny girl! I wish I could tell my co-worker "I really don't like you, I just pretend to because it's the nice thing to do, so please stop coming into my office to talk to me. Thanks. Hatefully,
